Informative site for commercial, marketing and distribution services in the food industry.
© 2018 Take & Way srl – Food Trading Company
via Antonio Corradini, 1/R – 35042 Este PD Italy
Project: Luciano Murrone, Gabriele Rizzi
In charge: Donato Pomaro
Email: info@takeandway.it
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The external web pages, to which the links on the takeandway.it site can be directed , may contain unverified information. We accept no responsibility for the interpretation and use of this information.
Although the site is organized methodically, drawn up with great care and continuously verified, expanded and updated, it could happen that the informative contents (specifications of the articles and samples, multimedia material, etc.) available on the site show incomplete or inaccurate data. We reserve the right to update the informative contents without any prior notice.
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